Monday, November 16, 2009


If they say that life is bitter,
let them say so.

It's not that I could live out my dreams,
I'm just stuck in this gap,
which divides dreams and reality,
which divides me and them.

Do I live in my dreams?
Or is this a haunting by the demons,
that made me dream what I don't live.
And I keep dreaming about what I don't understand.

Everyday, it's just like this.
I've lived twice each day; once here, once there.

I've forgotten for how long,
but it has been like this long enough.
I'm not tired physically,
but my mind is extremely exhausted.

Maybe I should rest, but I can't.
Maybe I should die, but I won't.

And it's starting to bother me,
that I'm still stuck in this gap.

I'm dying, because I couldn't care less about them.
And my life starts to dissipate vaguely.

May I choose my path, I don't care.
Cheer me up, can you?

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